Where to get the music we play

Please support the artists you like by purchasing their music when you can. Of the ones we play, a few make a comfortable living, but most struggle, even when they have tremendous talent. The corollary to this is: please don't duplicate the music from friends! And if someone asks you to borrow your disc so they can copy it, encourage them (nicely) to buy it.

Of course you could go directly to the artist or label. We do provide those links in the playlists. In the case of many of the independent labels, that is the only place you can go.

Many more music stores in the area are stocking folk, world, and acoustic music. You might find what you are looking for in the following locations:

In Fargo (where we are based):

Farther afield:

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Water From Another Time / North Dakota Public Radio
Send questions or comments to Ellie Knickman
Last updated May 28, 2000