Click here for folk music on the radio.
Click here for upcoming area folk music and dance events.
This page is constantly updated, so visit us often! Support live acoustic music and traditional dance in our communities!
Lunula, a school-age children's dance group, always welcomes new members. Classes are taught by artistic director Maureen MacDonald Hins and meet Thursdays from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Fargo Parks and Recreation's Emerson Smith Building, 1104 2nd Avenue South in Fargo. Call 236-0889 for class fees and intro session schedules! Info will also appear in February's Kid Source magazine.
Beginning January 15, open dancing with instruction and request dancing will be held on THURSDAY NIGHTS (note change back to Thursday) from 6:30 to 8 pm at Fargo Parks and Recreation's Emerson Smith Building (WOOD FLOOR!!!), 1104 2nd Avenue South in Fargo. No partner is needed for any class. $5 per session, come when you can! Call 236-0889 for more info.
On Thursday, April 5, KIM McKEE of the folk duo Willson & McKee will offer a special dance workshop on Irish set and ceili dancing at 7 pm at Emerson-Smith. Kim has been giving this workshop to great acclaim all over the Northwest and the dancers never seem to want to stop once they get going! This workshop is for adults and teens who can work well in an adult-level environment. Beyond that, however, no partner or experience is necessary and refreshments will be served if you feel you need to restore any calories you may have worked off! Workshop cost is $5. Call (218) 233-5325 for more info on this fun, informative event!
Ken & Kim will be doing their popular concert gig at NDSU the following night; see the schedule page for more info.
For more info contact E. Knickman
Last updated March 19, 2001